Over the last few decades, there has been an increasing trend towards living alone or with immediate family. However, the increase of the sharing economy has been changing that.

Here at ShareAbode we think there is much to be gained from rediscovering shared living, and that it might be a big part of the solution to the current housing affordability crisis.

With over 1 million homes in Australia with 3 or more empty bedrooms, we think it’s an idea worth backing.

The face of homelessness has changed in Australia. It’s hitting more people – with many experiencing homelessness for the first time in their lives, especially those over the age of 50 and single parents.  These people just need a safe place to stay so that they can continue to be valuable members of the community, raise their kids and work their jobs. Homelessness services are overwhelmed and are putting people into completely inadequate environments.  We need to think of an alternative way to house these people.

The permanently inflated housing market is responsible for the increasing number of people paying 30% or more of their income on rent. We can see this clearly in 2016 Census data, which shows a clear correlation between the cost of housing and levels of homelessness. Being employed used to provide a buffer against homelessness, but with exorbitant rents and flat wages, a shocking 30% of people experiencing homelessness are in fact employed and a single income household struggles even more.

Share housing offers a solution to affordable housing and with many positive health outcomes that may result from more access to high-quality affordable housing. We truly believe there are correlations between affordable housing and healthier child development, fewer serious health issues and improved quality of life.

Wilhelmina Ford

Founder:  ShareAbode

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