ShareAbode works on the principle that two single parents raising children together, sharing resources, rent and living expenses together can achieve more than one going it alone.
Mortgage Mates builds on the ideas and philosophy’s of ShareAbode, except, we help people co-own a home together, rather than co-live in a rental.
For those of you who are thinking about renting with another person, or, who are already renting together, you may be wondering what the next steps could be. One answer, is to go from individuals who co-live together, to individuals who co-own together!
Mortgage Mates is like a dating website for home ownership.
If you don’t already have someone to buy with, Mortgage Mates can match you with Mates based on housing need including location, price and deposit amount, and houseMate preferences such as whether you are a cat or a dog person!
Alternatively, if you already have someone you think may be a good fit to own with, we can help you do so safely and securely with free guides, manuals and resources available on the website.
We believe co-ownership is the key to solving the housing affordability crisis and allows you to have all the benefits of renting like you do with ShareAbode, but also build your own equity and wealth for the future!
How Mortgage Mates Works
We know co-ownership isn’t for everyone, so this is only one path to consider when coming to the end of your ShareAbode journey- perhaps renting or owning on your own works best for you, or perhaps you are looking to share with another lone parent before deciding on next steps. However we can help, to make your housing choice work for you- we are here to assist.
If you think co-ownership might be for you, go to to find out more!